Worshiping with Us for the First Time

Welcome! We are delighted to have you with us. Here's what you can expect during a typical service.

If you have children with you, we have a nursery and Sunday School for children up to middle school. Please know, however, children are always welcome at any of our services.

As you enter the church, the usher will give you a pew bulletin. You may sit wherever you like, though you will hear better toward the front of the church.

The Episcopal Church primarily uses two books for our services: the red Book of Common Prayer and the blue Hymnal 1982. Both will be found in your pew. The order of service and relevant page numbers will be in your pew bulletin. All services include readings from the Bible. These readings are found on a separate Lectionary sheet included in your bulletin.

Episcopal Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal 1982

Episcopal Book of Common Prayer and The Hymnal 1982

As to sitting, standing and kneeling: instructions are in the the Book of Common Prayer. In general, we stand when we sing, praise, or read the Gospel; we sit during all other Bible readings and during the Sermon; we kneel to pray. During the blessing of the bread and wine at communion (The Eucharistic Prayer), either standing or kneeling is appropriate. If you are not sure, just follow the example of the people around you. If you are unable to stand or kneel for long periods of time, please feel free to remain seated.

Everyone is welcome to Christ's table for communion. If you don't wish to take communion but would like a blessing, please come to the altar rail with the other communicants and cross your arms across your chest. You will be offered a blessing rather than sacramental bread and wine. If you are unable to come to the altar rail, please tell the usher when you first arrive and communion will be brought to you.

Following along with the Episcopal service may be a bit difficult at first but most of our services follow the same order. Once you've been through it a few times, it will begin to feel natural. If you get lost, don't hesitate to ask someone for help. Episcopalians love the beauty, order, and traditions of our liturgy and want to share it with you.

After the service, please come to our "coffee hour" in the undercroft (the basement) for refreshments and fellowship. We'd love to meet you!

After the service, please join us in the undercroft for hospitality and fellowship.

After the service, please join us in the undercroft for hospitality and fellowship.